by Steve Swanson on Mar 27, 2018 | Tags: Awards, Memory, non-volatile, Persistent
Earlier this month, the 9th annual Non-Volatile Memories Workshop took place on the UC San Diego campus. This year, for the first time, the organizing committee created three awards to recognize some of the best work (new and old) in the field of non-volatile memory...
by Sarita Adve, Michael Gschwind, Margaret Martonosi, Kathryn McKinley on Mar 24, 2018 | Tags: Discrimination, Diversity, Harassment
We are delighted to announce that SIGMICRO will join SIGARCH on the recently announced CARES program. CARES will now be a joint committee of SIGMICRO and SIGARCH. This is the first joint committee of the two organizations in recent times. We look forward to our two...
by Aasheesh Kolli on Mar 19, 2018 | Tags: Conference
An overview of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecure held in VIenna, Austria.
by Simha Sethumadhavan on Mar 12, 2018 | Tags: Opinion, Security
Works that describe defenses are often harder to publish than papers that demonstrate attacks. This blog post provides some insight on why this may be the case.
by Fred Chong on Mar 5, 2018 | Tags: Quantum Computing
Quantum computing sits poised at the verge of a revolution. Quantum machines may soon be capable of performing calculations in chemistry, physics, and other fields that are extremely difficult or even impossible for today’s computers. Yet there is a significant gap...