by Hsien-Hsin Sean Lee on Aug 29, 2019 | Tags: Accelerators, Machine Learning, Wafer Scale Integration
There was stunning news at the HotChips-31 conference held at Stanford Memorial Auditorium last week. Cerebras, a startup company working on machine learning accelerators in stealth mode, finally came out and presented a groundbreaking accelerator chip packed with 1.2...
by Kathryn McKinley and Margaret Martonosi on Aug 26, 2019 | Tags: Conferences, Inclusion, PC Meetings
CARES seeks to advance the strength and impact of our community’s research, by helping to build a stronger and more supportive research community.
by Mark D. Hill on Aug 23, 2019 | Tags: Accelerators, Emerging Technology, Machine Learning
This week Cerebras announced a bold design to accelerate deep neural networks with silicon that is not cut into chips. AI and Moore’s Law: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is much in the news for what it can do today and the promise of what it can do tomorrow (CCC/AAAI...
by Mark D. Hill on Aug 12, 2019 | Tags: Advice, Scientific Method
Many works present their results; this blog post seeks to aid you in developing your own great results, especially in computer architecture and systems. I learned these lessons over a career leading to an Eckert-Mauchly Award. I structure this blog post with steps of the scientific method.
by Steve Swanson on Aug 8, 2019 | Tags: Emerging Technology, Memory, non-volatile, Persistent, Programmability, Storage
On July 22-23rd, UC San Diego’s Non-Volatile Systems Laboratory and the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) hosted the first Persistent Programming In Real Life (PIRL). PIRL is a new meeting devoted to gathering and sharing real-world, practical expertise...