Building Fault-Tolerant Qubits Using More Physical States
Continuing with our thread on looking past abstractions in quantum computing, guest bloggers Yunong Shi from EPiQC and Christopher Chamberland and Andrew Cross from IBM examine how to make qubits fault tolerant by exploiting more of the physical state space available...
RE-gem5: Building Sustainable Research Infrastructure
RE-gem5 is a directed effort to rejuvenate the underlying infrastructure of gem5. RE-gem5 is not a new simulator or a new project; it is a project to enhance and support the current gem5 infrastructure. The community-developed gem5 infrastructure is one of the most...
Scaling the Field: Collaboration is of the Essence
Graduate student growth continues to outpace faculty growth in computer science. Because producing successful graduate students requires publishing with them, each faculty member should be publishing more, but they are not. If research quality has dropped over time, as some perceive, the reason in not an increase in per-author output.