by Khari Douglas on Sep 25, 2020 | Tags: Accelerators, Machine Learning
[Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared on the blogs of the HLF and the CCC and is re-posted here with permission.] As part of the first day of the Virtual Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) David A. Patterson, who won the 2017 ACM A.M Turing Award “for...
by Spyros Blanas on Sep 15, 2020 | Tags: Accelerators, Databases, Memory
GPUs have outgrown their role as dedicated graphics processing units and are now a prominent, mainstream platform for general-purpose parallel computing. Evidence of the growing popularity of GPUs can be seen in cloud vendors offering GPU instances for cents per hour,...
by Akanksha Jain and Arpit Joshi on Sep 10, 2020 | Tags: Conference, Networking, Reviewing
This blog post recounts the first program committee meeting experiences of two recent PhDs. Akanksha Jain My first experience being a PC member was for HPCA 2019. I was quite nervous going in, but I have to say that the overall experience was one of the most enjoyable...