by Christos Kozyrakis and Emery Berger on Jul 30, 2021 | Tags: ASPLOS, Conferences, extended abstract, program committees, Review, Reviewing
Background When we started planning the ASPLOS’21 program committee in Spring 2020, we asked ourselves what we could do to make the review process better for everyone. In our opinion, the most impactful improvement would be to increase the signal available for each...
by Jayashree Mohan and Vijay Chidambaram on Jul 14, 2021 | Tags: Machine Learning, Storage
Machine Learning (ML), specifically Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), is stressing storage systems in new ways, moving the training bottleneck to the data ingestion phase, rather than the actual learning phase. Training these models is data-hungry, resource-intensive, and...
by Yuhao Zhu on Jul 6, 2021 | Tags: Accelerators, deep learning, gpu, ray tracing, rendering
In Part I of this mini-series, we looked at recent advances in hardware support for ray tracing and how we might ride this wave to think more broadly about general-purpose irregular computing. Part II looks at another rising trend in graphics, i.e., the confluence of...
by Yuhao Zhu on Jul 1, 2021 | Tags: Accelerators, gpu, graphics, ray tracing, rendering
Introduction Computer graphics exemplifies hardware-software co-design. Since its inception, rendering algorithms have been developed hand in hand with hardware architecture. Graphics is only becoming more important with the rise of new visual applications such as...