by Prasanna Harpanhalli on Aug 3, 2020 | Tags: android, fragmentation, Mobile
With over 2 billion devices running Android, it is one of the most used operating systems on the planet. Android development follows software product lines approach and so is used in multiple business contexts. As Android supports devices of different form factors and...
by Michael O'Boyle on Jul 27, 2020 | Tags: Accelerators, Compilers
TL;DR: Heterogeneous hardware innovation is held back by language support. Compiler researchers need to rethink their role and embrace ideas from Software Engineering, Natural Language Procesing and Machine Learning A 50 year contract For more than 50 years we...
by Yongshan Ding and Fred Chong on Jul 21, 2020 | Tags: Quantum Computing
Recent progress in quantum computer (QC) systems has been impressive — state-of-the-art devices offer increasing memory size (qubit count) and reliability (decoherence time). A most recent example is from IBM’s announcement on their six new superconducting...
by Akshitha Sriraman on Jul 17, 2020 | Tags: Academia, Advice, Diversity, Interview, Mentoring
[Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared in the SIGOPS blog and is re-posted here with permission.] With most systems and architecture conferences taking the online route, we figured it’s a great time to get to know a few people in the...
by David Patterson on Jul 15, 2020 | Tags: Academia, ACM SIGARCH, Conference, Industry, ISCA, Policy, Reviewing
Problem: The Disappearance of Product Papers from ISCA Industry research groups in computer architecture (like at IBM, Intel, and NVIDIA) have as much support for architectural exploration and publication as academic groups, but product groups certainly don’t. Few...
by José F. Martínez on Jun 29, 2020 | Tags: Conference, ISCA, Virtual Meetings
On March 26, ISCA’20 general co-chair José Duato and I announced that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference would switch from an in-person event in Valencia (Spain) to a purely virtual one. An intense two-month pivot followed, whose outcome was ISCA’s...
by Christina Delimitrou on Jun 24, 2020 | Tags: Accelerators, Cloud computing, Datacenters, ISCA
If you were one of the 1700 attendees of the first virtual ISCA last week, you hopefully got a chance to call in to one or more of this year’s mini-panels. Spread across 3 days and many timezones, ISCA hosted 12 mini-panels in total, which ranged in topics from...
by The SIGARCH Executive Committee on Jun 22, 2020 | Tags: ACM SIGARCH, Ethics, Policy, Reviewing
The suicide of University of Florida student and ISCA’19 author Huixiang Chen a year ago shook our research community to the core. Everyone on SIGARCH’s Executive Committee mourns Huixiang on the first anniversary of his death. In connection with this tragedy, and...
by Dmitry Ponomarev on Jun 9, 2020 | Tags: Conference, Security
In an earlier blog post, we argued that computer architects working on security problems should follow security conferences. In this post, we highlight some of the recent results from this year’s events that may be of interest to our community. While security...
by Elba Garza on Jun 4, 2020 | Tags: Academia, Diversity, People
There is a joke that says torture is attending a party where you don’t know anyone present. Now, that sentiment may be hyperbolic, but it has an element of truth — as an undergraduate student attending my first computer architecture conference, I absolutely felt...