by Dmitry Ponomarev on Mar 31, 2020 | Tags: Security
Security has recently emerged as a first-class design consideration and an active research area in computer architecture community, with most top-tier conferences dedicating one or more sessions to security topics. Best Paper Awards at two most recent MICRO...
by Boris Grot on Mar 24, 2020 | Tags: Climate Action, Conference, Networking, Opinion, Policy, Travel, Virtual Meetings
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of conferences, including ASPLOS, DATE and ICLR, have abandoned their planned in-person gatherings and, instead, transitioned to virtual symposia. While painful, these are correct and responsible decisions given the...
by Aasheesh Kolli on Mar 20, 2020 | Tags: Climate Action, Conference, Networking, Opinion, Policy, Travel, Virtual Meetings
We need to act on climate change now. With global emissions continuing to rise at an alarming rate there is an urgent need to adopt measures to reduce emissions. The UN calls climate change “the defining issue of our times”. It is imperative that we, the...
by Tony Nowatzki and Newsha Ardalani on Mar 13, 2020 | Tags: Conference
By all accounts, HPCA (and co-located PPoPP/CGO) was a tremendous success with fabulous keynotes, many ground-breaking papers and an almost too-wonderful setting in sunny San Diego. Keynotes The first day was started by a keynote from Josep Torellas from UIUC, who...
by Natalie Enright Jerger on Mar 11, 2020 | Tags: Conference, Networking, Opinion, Policy, Reviewing, Travel, Virtual Meetings
[Editors’ note: This is the first in a series of upcoming posts on conferences and travel.] It’s time to end the in-person PC meeting. On many fronts it no longer makes sense for 60+ people to travel to one location to each discuss a handful of papers. There...
by Vijay Chidambaram on Mar 2, 2020 | Tags: Persistent, Storage
The world of storage is changing rapidly. We have exciting new technologies such as Intel DC Persistent Memory, along with new applications such as machine learning and blockchain which place new requirements on storage systems. Researchers are working on new...
by Rajeev Balasubramonian and Vijay Janapa Reddi on Feb 21, 2020 | Tags: ACM SIGARCH
We are happy to report another successful year for the SIGARCH Computer Architecture Today blog. In the past year, the blog has covered a wide range of topics — the word cloud below captures the popular tags. We are extremely grateful to the large number of...
by Bill Fefferman and Fred Chong on Feb 11, 2020 | Tags: Emerging Technology, Quantum Computing
Much of the recent explosion in interest in quantum computing has been driven by the arrival of the “Near-term Intermediate Scale Quantum” era (abbreviated “NISQ”), in which several experimental groups in academic and industrial labs are now able to implement quantum...
by Mark D. Hill on Jan 8, 2020 | Tags: Accelerators, Distributed Systems, Emerging Technology, Software Stack
Due to technology challenges and potential societal benefits, NSF has provided sustained funding for issues surrounding effective scaling of parallel and distributed computing, including through the Exploiting Parallelism and Scalability(XPS) Program, begun in 2012,...
by Spyros Blanas on Jan 3, 2020 | Tags: Databases, Datacenters, HPC, Operating Systems, Persistent, Storage
More than a decade ago, the pioneering computer scientist Jim Gray envisioned a fourth paradigm of scientific discovery that uses computers to solve data-intensive scientific problems. Today, scientific discovery, whether observational, in-silico or experimental,...