Computer Architecture Today

Informing the broad computing community about current activities, advances and future directions in computer architecture.
Optical Random Access Memory

Optical Random Access Memory

The memory wall has been a crucial power and performance bottleneck for computing systems. The growing gap between processor and memory speeds limits the energy-efficiency and performance of almost all forms of computing systems. As technology scales down, the speed...


Scaling the Field: Collaboration is of the Essence

Scaling the Field: Collaboration is of the Essence

Graduate student growth continues to outpace faculty growth in computer science. Because producing successful graduate students requires publishing with them, each faculty member should be publishing more, but they are not.  If research quality has dropped over time, as some perceive, the reason in not an increase in per-author output.


Accelerator-Level Parallelism (ALP)

Accelerator-Level Parallelism (ALP)

The demand for computing performance continues to grow exponentially in part due to video and machine learning processing for applications like augmented/virtual reality and self-driving vehicles. However, the underlying advances (Moore’s Law and Dennard...