by Jason Lowe-Power and Matt Sinclair on Sep 12, 2019 | Tags: Measurements, Methodology, Simulators
RE-gem5 is a directed effort to rejuvenate the underlying infrastructure of gem5. RE-gem5 is not a new simulator or a new project; it is a project to enhance and support the current gem5 infrastructure. The community-developed gem5 infrastructure is one of the most...
by Stephen M Blackburn, Kathryn S McKinley and Lexing Xie on Sep 9, 2019 | Tags: Academia, Conference, Publications
Graduate student growth continues to outpace faculty growth in computer science. Because producing successful graduate students requires publishing with them, each faculty member should be publishing more, but they are not. If research quality has dropped over time, as some perceive, the reason in not an increase in per-author output.
by Vijay Janapa Reddi and Mark D. Hill on Sep 3, 2019 | Tags: Accelerators, Mobile, SoC
The demand for computing performance continues to grow exponentially in part due to video and machine learning processing for applications like augmented/virtual reality and self-driving vehicles. However, the underlying advances (Moore’s Law and Dennard...
by Hsien-Hsin Sean Lee on Aug 29, 2019 | Tags: Accelerators, Machine Learning, Wafer Scale Integration
There was stunning news at the HotChips-31 conference held at Stanford Memorial Auditorium last week. Cerebras, a startup company working on machine learning accelerators in stealth mode, finally came out and presented a groundbreaking accelerator chip packed with 1.2...
by Kathryn McKinley and Margaret Martonosi on Aug 26, 2019 | Tags: Conferences, Inclusion, PC Meetings
CARES seeks to advance the strength and impact of our community’s research, by helping to build a stronger and more supportive research community.
by Mark D. Hill on Aug 23, 2019 | Tags: Accelerators, Emerging Technology, Machine Learning
This week Cerebras announced a bold design to accelerate deep neural networks with silicon that is not cut into chips. AI and Moore’s Law: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is much in the news for what it can do today and the promise of what it can do tomorrow (CCC/AAAI...
by Mark D. Hill on Aug 12, 2019 | Tags: Advice, Scientific Method
Many works present their results; this blog post seeks to aid you in developing your own great results, especially in computer architecture and systems. I learned these lessons over a career leading to an Eckert-Mauchly Award. I structure this blog post with steps of the scientific method.
by Steve Swanson on Aug 8, 2019 | Tags: Emerging Technology, Memory, non-volatile, Persistent, Programmability, Storage
On July 22-23rd, UC San Diego’s Non-Volatile Systems Laboratory and the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) hosted the first Persistent Programming In Real Life (PIRL). PIRL is a new meeting devoted to gathering and sharing real-world, practical expertise...
by Omer Anjum, Wen-Mei Hwu, Jinjun Xiong on Aug 2, 2019 | Tags: Conference, ISCA, publication trends
Recently, we conducted a detailed study of some notable publication trends at ISCA. We used the abstracts for all the papers published at ISCA from 1973, when it was inaugurated, to 2018. This blog summarizes the main findings of the detailed article which can be...
by Keshav Pingali on Jul 25, 2019 | Tags: applications, benchmark suites, case studies
Consider the following thought experiment. You are on the program committee of a conference like ASPLOS or PLDI, and your committee must choose one of the following two papers for publication. Paper 1 describes a new program optimization and its implementation in...