Computer Architecture Today

Informing the broad computing community about current activities, advances and future directions in computer architecture.
ASPLOS 2019 Summary

ASPLOS 2019 Summary

Researchers in programming languages, operating systems, and computer architecture converged on Providence, RI this April for the 24th edition of ASPLOS. This year’s ASPLOS showed the strength of computer systems research in many areas, from cloud computing to...


A Checklist Manifesto for Empirical Evaluation: A Preemptive Strike Against a Replication Crisis in Computer Science

A Checklist Manifesto for Empirical Evaluation: A Preemptive Strike Against a Replication Crisis in Computer Science

  In 2009, Dr. Atul Gawande, a surgeon at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, published The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right, describing his experience using checklists to reduce the risk of errors. Gawande observed that a number of serious...