Computer Architecture Today

Informing the broad computing community about current activities, advances and future directions in computer architecture.
Let’s Keep it to Ourselves: Don’t Disclose Vulnerabilities

Let’s Keep it to Ourselves: Don’t Disclose Vulnerabilities

There are millions of viruses, etc., in the wild today. Countless new ones are devised by black-hat hackers all the time. In order to proactively defend against new exploits, some white-hatters seek out or create weaknesses or vulnerabilities and then devise fixes for them. However, in some cases, such as Spectre, fixes are not readily apparent, either to the inventor or the vendor of the target software or hardware. Regardless of the existence of a fix or not, the question arises as to what to publicize or disclose about the vulnerability. We argue that no public disclosure should be made at all, until and unless the exploit appears in the wild.


The Case for Quantum Computing

The Case for Quantum Computing

In a recent IEEE Spectrum article, Mikhail Dyakonov makes The Case Against Quantum Computing, focusing on the idea that building a quantum computer would require precise control over 2300 continuous variables. This view is absolutely correct if we were building an...


The Year in Review

The Year in Review


ISCA’18 Review Process Reflections

ISCA’18 Review Process Reflections