by Hsien-Hsin Sean Lee on Aug 29, 2019 | Tags: Accelerators, Machine Learning, Wafer Scale Integration
There was stunning news at the HotChips-31 conference held at Stanford Memorial Auditorium last week. Cerebras, a startup company working on machine learning accelerators in stealth mode, finally came out and presented a groundbreaking accelerator chip packed with 1.2...
by Mark D. Hill on Aug 23, 2019 | Tags: Accelerators, Emerging Technology, Machine Learning
This week Cerebras announced a bold design to accelerate deep neural networks with silicon that is not cut into chips. AI and Moore’s Law: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is much in the news for what it can do today and the promise of what it can do tomorrow (CCC/AAAI...
by Timothy Roscoe on May 13, 2019 | Tags: Accelerators, Datacenters, Hardware, Operating Systems, Opinion, Systems
This is a time of great interest in new hardware. Computers are becoming much more complex. The multicore era has given way to increasingly heterogeneous computing platforms. Modern SoCs contain a tremendous variety of processors, accelerators, and peripheral devices,...
by Noa Zilberman on Apr 25, 2019 | Tags: Accelerators, Data center, Emerging Technology, Hardware, Networking, Performance, Programmability, Systems
Introduction In-network computing is a new research area that has emerged over the last few years. In-network computing, also known as In-network computation or NetCompute, refers to the execution of programs typically running on end-hosts within network devices....
by Adi Fuchs and David Wentzlaff on Feb 4, 2019 | Tags: Accelerators, Moore's Law, Specialization
Background These are exciting and challenging times for computer architects. The looming end of Moore’s law and the breakdown of Dennard scaling force everybody to put on their thinking caps and envision what future processors will look like when transistors...