Archive of posts tagged: Conference

Sixth Annual Undergraduate Mentoring Workshop
The 6th annual Undergraduate Architecture Mentoring (uArch) Workshop was co-located with the International Symposium of Computer Architecture (ISCA) 2024, hosted in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As with the previous year, uArch was conducted in a hybrid format, combining...
Serving on Conference Program Committees
Good news: The computer architecture community is growing! Submissions to major conferences have increased substantially in recent years, including just under 500 submissions to MICRO 2024. This growth reflects the vibrancy in our field, continued expansion of what...
ISCA 2024 Trip Report – Buenos Aires
ISCA 2024 that recently concluded in Buenos Aires was a historic event. For the first time in its 50+ years of existence, ISCA was organized in Latin America. The conference organizers, led by general chairs (GCs) Augusto Vega and Esteban Mocskos, worked diligently to...