Computer Architecture Today

Informing the broad computing community about current activities, advances and future directions in computer architecture.
Archive of posts tagged: Emerging Technology
Think Globally, Design Deliberately: Taking an Inclusive Approach to Innovation

Think Globally, Design Deliberately: Taking an Inclusive Approach to Innovation

Digital technologies have had an undeniable influence on humanity’s well-being, transforming all aspects of our lives. Underpinned by advances in process technology, computer architecture, software engineering, and artificial intelligence (AI), the rapid technological...


20 years of NoCs

20 years of NoCs

Twenty years ago research into networks-on-chip (NoCs) was launched with the publication of the foundational Dally and Towles paper, “Route Packets not Wires,” in the Design Automation Conference (DAC) in June 2001. In this blog post, I explore the evolution of...