Computer Architecture Today

Informing the broad computing community about current activities, advances and future directions in computer architecture.
Archive of posts tagged: Memory
Current status, needs, and challenges in Heterogeneous and Composable Memory from the HCM workshop (HPCA’23)

Current status, needs, and challenges in Heterogeneous and Composable Memory from the HCM workshop (HPCA’23)

Introduction Memory systems are evolving into heterogeneous and composable architectures. Heterogeneous and Composable Memory (HCM) offers a feasible solution for terabyte- or petabyte-scale systems, addressing the performance and efficiency demands of emerging...


Fast memcpy, A System Design

When I worked at Google, fleet-wide profiling revealed that 25-35% of all CPU time was spent just moving bytes around: memcpy, strcmp, copying between user and kernel buffers in network and disk I/O, hidden copy-on-write in soft page faults, checksumming, compressing,...


Persistent Memory – A New Hope

Persistent Memory – A New Hope

The Cancellation of the Intel Optane Product Line Recently, Intel announced the cancellation of all Optane products, including both Optane SSDs and Optane Persistent Memory. The news came all of a sudden but was not totally unexpected, as Micron sold the 3D XPoint fab...


The Persistence of Non-Volatile Memory: Exploiting the Growing Design Space

The Persistence of Non-Volatile Memory: Exploiting the Growing Design Space

Non-volatile memory technologies have a rich past dating back to the 1960s. Fairchild R&D Lab member Chih-tang Sah first noted in 1961 the ability of electric charge to remain on the surface of an electrical device for up to several days. By the 1970s the first...