by Dan Manjarres on Jan 12, 2023 | Tags: Benchmarks, experiments, Methodology, Networking
Networking performance is critical to distributed applications, and there are always efforts underway to improve the performance of datacenter network communication stacks. These efforts take a variety of approaches. For example, they may result in either new hardware...
by Irene Zhang on Aug 24, 2022 | Tags: datacenter, microkernel, Networking, Operating Systems, os
The research community has long predicted the death of Moore’s law and attendant growth in datacenter hardware speeds. In a few years, datacenter networks will grow an order of magnitude from 40Gb to 400Gb. Systems researchers, including myself, have been preparing...
by Sergey Blagodurov, Mike Ignatowski, Valentina Salapura on Sep 22, 2021 | Tags: Accelerators, Coherence, Datacenters, Interconnects, Memory, Networking, Systems
Despite being hidden from the end user, datacenters are ubiquitous in today’s life. Massive datacenter installations are the driving force behind social networking, search, streaming services, e-commerce, cloud, and the gig economy. Today’s datacenters are as...
by Natalie Enright Jerger on Nov 9, 2020 | Tags: Accelerators, Chiplets, Emerging Technology, Networking
[Editor’s Note: I’m very happy to announce that Christina Delimitrou of Cornell University will be serving as the blog’s Associate Editor. Thank you, Vijay Janapa Reddi, for your amazing service in this role for the last three years!] Chip vendors...
by Akanksha Jain and Arpit Joshi on Sep 10, 2020 | Tags: Conference, Networking, Reviewing
This blog post recounts the first program committee meeting experiences of two recent PhDs. Akanksha Jain My first experience being a PC member was for HPCA 2019. I was quite nervous going in, but I have to say that the overall experience was one of the most enjoyable...