by Xinyang (Kevin) Song and Sihang Liu and Gennady Pekhimenko on Sep 20, 2022 | Tags: Memory, non-volatile, Persistent, Research
The Cancellation of the Intel Optane Product Line Recently, Intel announced the cancellation of all Optane products, including both Optane SSDs and Optane Persistent Memory. The news came all of a sudden but was not totally unexpected, as Micron sold the 3D XPoint fab...
by Alexander Hankin, Lillian Pentecost, Marco Donato, Mark Hempstead, Gu-Yeon Wei, and David Brooks on Aug 3, 2022 | Tags: Memory, Modelling, non-volatile, Persistent, Tools
Non-volatile memory technologies have a rich past dating back to the 1960s. Fairchild R&D Lab member Chih-tang Sah first noted in 1961 the ability of electric charge to remain on the surface of an electrical device for up to several days. By the 1970s the first...
by Vijay Chidambaram on Mar 2, 2020 | Tags: Persistent, Storage
The world of storage is changing rapidly. We have exciting new technologies such as Intel DC Persistent Memory, along with new applications such as machine learning and blockchain which place new requirements on storage systems. Researchers are working on new...
by Spyros Blanas on Jan 3, 2020 | Tags: Databases, Datacenters, HPC, Operating Systems, Persistent, Storage
More than a decade ago, the pioneering computer scientist Jim Gray envisioned a fourth paradigm of scientific discovery that uses computers to solve data-intensive scientific problems. Today, scientific discovery, whether observational, in-silico or experimental,...
by Steve Swanson on Aug 8, 2019 | Tags: Emerging Technology, Memory, non-volatile, Persistent, Programmability, Storage
On July 22-23rd, UC San Diego’s Non-Volatile Systems Laboratory and the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) hosted the first Persistent Programming In Real Life (PIRL). PIRL is a new meeting devoted to gathering and sharing real-world, practical expertise...