Archive of posts tagged: Review

SIGARCH/TCCA Best Practices & Resources
Scientific progress relies on sound reviewing processes. The integrity of our review process is paramount, and it rests on our handling of ethical concerns and conflicts of interest. These issues have been compounded by the rapid growth in the computer architecture...
Should conferences have a rebuttal phase?
Many CS systems and architecture conferences have a rebuttal phase or an author response period, where authors can respond to the questions asked by reviewers, and correct misunderstandings by reviewers. We discuss the pros and cons of this phase, and whether it is a...
Response to Change in the ASPLOS Conference Submission Process
In late November, the ASPLOS Steering Committee published a proposal to change the paper submission process for ASPLOS by introducing three deadlines per year and the possibility of resubmitting a paper. The Steering Committee asked the ASPLOS community for its...