Computer Architecture Today

Informing the broad computing community about current activities, advances and future directions in computer architecture.
Archive of posts tagged: Reviewing
Hacks To Be a Great Reviewer

Hacks To Be a Great Reviewer

I had an exhausting and painful experience this year with reviews for recent top-tier SIGARCH conferences – the usual ISCA, ASPLOS, HPCA, MICRO. No I am not complaining about the reviewer load. It’s reading others’ reviews of papers I was reviewing –...


Serving on Conference Program Committees

Serving on Conference Program Committees

Good news: The computer architecture community is growing!  Submissions to major conferences have increased substantially in recent years, including just under 500 submissions to MICRO 2024.  This growth reflects the vibrancy in our field, continued expansion of what...


ASPLOS’23 Program Chairs’ Recap

ASPLOS’23 Program Chairs’ Recap

For 2023, ASPLOS embarked on a new multi-deadline review model. Multiple deadlines are meant to encourage authors to submit their papers when ready, to facilitate the selection of some papers for revision and to distribute the reviewer workload better. In this post,...


SIGARCH/TCCA Best Practices & Resources

SIGARCH/TCCA Best Practices & Resources

Scientific progress relies on sound reviewing processes.  The integrity of our review process is paramount, and it rests on our handling of ethical concerns and conflicts of interest.  These issues have been compounded by the rapid growth in the computer architecture...